Notify Insurer

  • Please only use this form if you have been involved in an incident and would like DashCamShare to notify your insurer. By completing and submitting this form you are consent to and understand the following statements:

    1) That can share the information you provide with all relevant insurers.

    2) That your insurer can contact you via the contact details you provide.

    3) You understand that completing this form does not remove your obligation to contact the Police (if required) or your insurer directly following an incident.
  • The registration of any other vehicles involved
  • The registration of any other vehicles involved
  • The registration of any other vehicles involved
  • The registration of any other vehicles involved
  • If known, we can confirm this based on your Registration Number.
  • :
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • If you have any images or video of the incident or damage to the vehicles involved then please upload those here.
  • Max. file size: 1 GB.